I think of the days we spent under the rain, the night we spent under the moon, the promises we made to each other and wonder if it meant anything at all to you. You promised me heaven on earth. You took me to the most beautiful place but I can’t exist there without you. Why then do you want to leave me there?
If I had known that this is how far we were going to go, then I wouldn’t have come in the first place. I thought the idea was to go all the way or go nowhere at all. You introduced the beat to me. You showed me how to be in sync with the rhythm, and suddenly, you take the music away. You made me believe that the beat would last forever.
We planned our future together. The world was ours to conquer. We were tipped to be the next fairy-tale, and I spent every single moment believing that. I dreamt of walking with you in the clouds, holding your hand. I wanted to be your perfect and complete bundle of joy, just as much as you were mine. I never thought that anyone or anything could come between us, just as much as a bullet cannot penetrate through bullet proof.
I didn’t have a crystal ball to see the future, but I had so much hope and faith in our love. Maybe I was naïve, but who would blame me for that? I was too happy to be in touch with reality. Our love was written in the skies, our train of love was never meant to stop but it derailed before it went any far. Life and love can be so disappointing sometimes, but the disappointment of love is the worst to deal with.
I look back and think of what I did wrong. I play back every conversation with the hope that I can pick up what I said wrong. Every game we played, I try to figure out where I got it all wrong, but still I can’t find anything. You were always happy and smiling. You told me that we would never be apart and you promised to love me even in death.
I thought you were different. I thought you were the one. You made me believe in your lies and now I can only bite my lips and pluck my eyes out for falling for your folly. What does he do that I never did for you? What does she say that I never said to you?
We were going to climb Kilimanjaro together. We haven’t done that but I don’t see you anywhere near me. What am I supposed to do without you? How am I supposed to smile without the love of my life? We were meant to be.
The bed is cold at night without you. Food no longer tastes the same anymore. Jokes no longer make me laugh. I have just realized one thing, food was not delicious, jokes were not hilarious but you just made everything fall into place. Now that you are gone, I don’t know what to do anymore.
Now that you have left me, I have to endure the pain. I have tried many things but I can’t find comfort. The more I try to replace you, the more I realize how irreplaceable you are. How did I love you so much yet you never saw or appreciated it? I guess it’s true that nothing lasts forever. I wish that he makes you happy, although I doubt that he will love you as much as I love you.
I know that one day, I will find the courage to let you go, but it’s something I was never prepared to do. My heart is torn apart; you have pierced it with a sharp sword and no matter how much I am hurting, you don’t seem to care. My lover has turned into a stranger. Despite how much it hurts that you are gone just like that, I do not hold a grudge against you, for in doing so, I would only hurt myself more.
Now that you are gone, be sure that you have made the right decision because should you decide to come back, I won’t be there anymore. I am a sweet piece of cake that you can only have once in your lifetime. I wish you the best.
Why do you cause me so much pain?
All my tears are shed in vain.
Why did you choose him over me?
Haven’t you told we were meant to be?
Why can’t I just let you go?
and accept that you want me no more?
How will I see you with him through my eyes?
Will you fool him too,with the same lies?
Oh why can’t I just believe?
that you ain’t gonna stay, but leave?
Can’t you hear my cries?
Or see the pain in my eyes?
Don’t you know the hurt,
when you stay with her and flirt?
How could you betray me like this?
and laugh when I slit my wrist?
You have turned so cold.
I had fallen for your fool’s gold.
You’ve left scars in my heart,
for loving you from the start.
How could you turn so indifferent to me?
and forget how we used to be?
How could you use me as a toy?
and dump me for a random guy?
How could you have told me lies?
and leave while tearing my eyes?
How could you cause me so much pain?
and still stick to my heart like a stain?
You broke my innocent heart,
and caused me pain and hurt.
So why do you want me now?
after betraying my love?
She left you, didn’t she?
So you want to get back with me?
I’m sorry, that will never happen.
You hurt me, using love as a weapon.
Though my love is pure and true,
I will never get back with you.
No matter what, I love you still.
and forever and ever I will.
Nobody can ever replace,
your warmth and sweet embrace.
When I’m asleep,
I dream about you,
and wake up and weep,
and think about you.
I wish I could go back,
to the times spent with you,
and beg for another chance,
to love you as
you deserved to be,
and live as we are
meant to be.