Funny marriage quotes Images are really so humorous .They will make you smile as well as think. If you are a married person, you will find some truth among these quotes and if you are not married yet, you will find some ideas about your future life. I hope you all enjoy these quotes. Marriage is nothing but the bonding of two persons who admire, trust and obviously love each other, who want to share their good and bad times together and who want to spend the rest of their life peacefully and happily. But it is a great matter of sorrow that every couple cannot enjoy a happy married life successfully.
No i am going to share some funny weeding sayings pictures with you all.
Funny Marriage Quotes Images
Here are some hilarious and funny marriage quotes images for you all.
Marriage is a workshop where husband works and wife shops.
Marriage is an institution in which a Man loses his Bachelors degree, and the Woman gets her Masters degree.
Love is temporary insanity curable by marriage.
-Ambrose Bierce
A man is incomplete until he is married. After that, he is finished ?
– Zsa Zsa Gabor
I never knew what real happiness was until I got married; by then it was too late.
If you want to sacrifice the admiration of many men for the criticism of one, go ahead, get married.
– Katharine Hepburn
I assume that you have found these funny marriage quotes images interesting and useful also. If you think these funny weeding quotes are worth reading, I hope you would consider the post to share with your friends. Because sharing knowledge among the people living around us is somehow beneficial for us.