“If I want to send a letter to my ex , what should I write”-have this thought ever come to your mind? Here I have come with some best confessional letters or messages you want to do about your Ex Girlfriend/Wife or Boyfriend/Husband. These ex quotes are for those persons who have the bitter experiences of relationship and got separated from each other. In every relationship, couple dreams of a great and best exemplary relationship but some couples fail to do so. But always remember, the end of a relationship does not mean the end of life. There is no logic in ruining own life mourning about past relationship. Who left you, just let him/her leave alone. Perhaps he/she is not perfect for you, or you two are not appropriate for each other. This post contains some messages, undoubtedly funny, perhaps you want to give your ex. So, go through the post, and then write your own titling “Letter to My Ex”.
Short Confessional Letter#1
Dear Ex ; you are the reason why I know I deserve so much better.
Short Confessional Letter#2
EX means: thanks for the Experiences time has Expired..now Exit my life.
An EX should stay an EX. They’re an Example of false love and an Explanation of why you deserve better.
Short Confessional Letter#4
Dear EX, Just Because I’m Still Nice To You, Doesn’t Mean I Want You Back.
Short Confessional Letter#5
Dear EX, I won’t block you or delete you, I’m keeping you there so you can see how happy I am without you.
Short Confessional Letter#6
If your ex texts you saying ‘I miss you’ that means the other person they tried to replace you with failed.
Short Confessional Letter#7
Dear Ex, don’t come to me when I’m happy. Happy with someone else!
Short Confessional Letter#8
I don’t hate you, I’m just disappointed you turned into everything you said you’d never be.
Short Confessional Letter#9
Dear Ex I’m Glad I Had You As An Example Of What Not To Look For In The Future.
Hope you have found the the post on “Short Confessional Letter To My Ex Girlfriend/Boyfriend” containing some short confessional letters/messages to you dear ex gf/bf with images interesting and worth reading. If you do have some such nice messages for your ex boyfriend/girlfriend or husband/wife, don’t forget to share them through comments.